"Do not seek others, but to surpass yourself."
Marcus Tullius Cicero (*106 v.Chr., †43 v.Chr.)
In 1998 I studied data and information technology at the Munich University of Applied Sciences graduation as a qualified engineer (fh). After that I was a freelance software Engineer and others works for companies such as Prüftechnik AG and Siemens AG.
In 2000, the topic of investment became so important to me that in 2002 I decided to to switch to the financial industry. I first became a freelance consultant for the marchollek, Lautenschläger and Partner AG. 2005 was followed by postgraduate studies at the financial academy the European Business School Oestrich Winkel on financial economics (ebs), in the same year the foundation of entarsis GmbH.
For about 18 years I have been dealing with portfolio construction and successfully use my specially developed software for stock valuation.