Armin Schmidt

Chief Executive Officer Financial Economist Financial Specialist Graduate Engineer

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How to Achieve the Goals

"It is often more productive to think about your money for a day than to work for a whole month for his money."
John D. Rockefeller (*1839, †1937)



[tæktɪk] This is a tactic based on considerations Appropriateness and success determined procedure. Quelle: Duden

So the tactic is the answer to the question:
How can the goal be achieved?

Wealth Structuring


"People don't understand what a huge source of income in the Thrift lies."
Marcus Tullius Cicero (*106 v.Chr., †43 v.Chr.)

Before the implementation really starts, a Inventory analysis, so a private balance sheet and one Profit and Loss Account. With their help, the potential savings and the current status is determined.


Once the preparatory work has been completed, implementation begins. Here may in addition to the actual wealth structuring the necessary tools are not forgotten.

Here I think besides the optimization of the dealer, bank and Trading platforms, also at information sources, documentation and success control.


Cash | Crypto Currencies

Liquid capital must always be available! This offers Safety in an emergency, but also gives the opportunity to market opportunities (Crashes, black swans etc.).

In addition to your own base currency, foreign currencies can also be used here are used, provided it is crisis-proof 'Escape currencies'.

It should be borne in mind that all foreign currencies pose a currency risk subject to fluctuations. Speculation aspects foreign currencies are not meant here.

The amount of the liquidity reserve is not fixed, but is based to the current market situation.

Precious Metals

Gold | Silver

Precious metals are often neglected or underestimated, because they don’t generate any income. This approach is mine I think wrong. Precious metals (at least gold and Silver) are very good for property protection be used because they are the most stable to date Means of payment of human history are and themselves have always proven themselves in crises.
Platinum and palladium are also interesting Investment instruments as they are in demand as industrial metals to a certain extent also suitable for wealth structuring.

Important trading venues: (alphabetical order)
Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States of America.



Shares are an important but also emotional investment Instruments. The immediate investment in this kind of material assets a proper one is needed Portion of knowledge, tools and time. Not a trivial topic but a very exciting one with a lot of thrills.

You can bet on ETFs and administrations here, too It is difficult to find good providers. Essentially I invest directly in selected stocks and set certificates, ETFs and funds only selectively. In the area of equity investments I use access to more than 83,000 companies in 64 Countries with a fundamental, quantitative approach.

I rarely and selectively use bonds.

Important tools: trading platform, market screener, trading journal etc.

Real Estate

Directly | Indirectly

Here is the direct or indirect investment in residential or commercial real estate meant the direct purchase of one of these properties or the Investing in an open real estate fund or a real estate stock Society.

All direct investments are usually time-consuming as they are time-consuming and cannot be bought or sold quickly. For that result interesting tax aspects.

Attention: Owner-occupied properties can often be liabilities and not be an investment!

Risk Warning

The information contained on this website regarding companies or investments is based on my own research or on sources that I believe to be reliable. Although the sources are carefully checked, I cannot guarantee their accuracy.

Performace values from the past cannot give any conclusions about the future. Equities, precious metals, commodities, derivatives, investment funds and more generally securities investments offer opportunities for high profits with a high risk of a loss in value. Depending on the type of investment, even with the possibility of a total loss.

The investments mentioned or described here do not constitute investment advice because the personal situation of the investor cannot be taken into account due to the investment objectives, risk tolerance and the general financial situation.

Do not do business that you do not fully understand and that you have not 100% convinced yourself. The researched share or capital investment is also no guarantee of profit. If necessary, find out about the meaning and function of order limits before you make an investment.